click on the webmaster (me!!) for more info
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Let's use the web to create neat new exciting things. Let's use the web to help people understand each other. Tim Berners-Lee
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click me for fun trinkets and gizmos!!

home sweet home ✧

hi!! im lils, and i'm the webmaster. beware - i am very bad at coding and am teaching myself, so the site may be a bit rough around the edges (it's very scary to look at with the inspect tool). anyway, welcome to my website!! this page hosts my library, my writing and many other little oddities (or it will, this site is still unfinished as of june 2024) please enjoy your stay - go raibh maith agaibh!

you may have noticed - all the colours, except the background, are taken from the transport for london map (i love trains and trams etc)

please sign my guestbook (below) - it would make me so happy to get a little message! also, if you have any writing suggestions, please leave a note in the guestbook :)

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to do: sitemap, reformat older pages